last week due to overlistening to tunes like "jung jung tiiieeengk jung jung tieengkkk durugpak durugpak duguduguduguduk pak! aym a barbie gerl in deeehhh barbie wuuu uurhh urrllddd", ive decided to put my side project Dilapidated Buko Pie on hiatus. uhm semi hiatus hahaha
i mean i going to put down some major activities for DxBxP like composing songs and mass producing d.i.y. demos. it's kinda resting for a while to its comedy/grindcore/punk/techno rave tunes. anyway, i will never gonna stop producing our demos. :P
if you want a hard copy for DxBxP's demos and EPs just contact us on our website (http://www.myspace.com/dilapidatedbukopie)
or to me and Josh' facebook account
xBongBongx (ME! :PPPPPP)
for a mean time i have been working for another two side projects. one is Bhumisvaraputram which is death metal/grindcore but i'm focusing more on the other side project which is more on hardcore/punk and it is still unnamed hahaha anyway, i'll be posting more surprises later on ;)
*eating vanilla ice cream*
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